About me

You are the reason why we do what we do

How you helped Nuvoles come true

Everything is build with and for our customers…who are much more than that!

Your tastes, needs, ideas and even opinions are a precious and essential input to shape each of our models and collections.

~Noemi Snell

Before creating Nuvoles, I was constantly looking for bags that I never found! The idea I had in my mind was never reflected in any shop window.

Crafts (that is the art and technique of making objects or products by hand, with simple devices and in a traditional way) has always been one of my passions. While I was studying as an anthropologist, I graduated as a children’s illustrator and a wooden sculptor.

When I arrived in Argentina, a country rich in didactic offers to learn many aspects of different crafts, I studied a year of designin patterns for clothes. So, needing a bag and having very clear in mind what it should be like, I made it. A few months later, a colleague in the office saw it, liked it and asked where to get it.  I proudly replied that I had done it and, with my big surprise, she asked me if I could do one for her too. 

Many bags and colleagues later, Nuvoles was born.

I was worried that maybe I was the only one with different needs.

But then ... More and more people started asking me to create unique and different pieces with them. It was in this way that I began to realize the pressure exerted, by the society in which we live, so that we settle with what “the market” offers us: most of the time objects made in series, which only partially coincide with our tastes, of low quality, planned to be discart in a short time, accompanied by the anonymity of who sells and who buys, mere extremes of a commercial transaction.

The desire to create objects that: accurately reflect the needs and tastes of their owners, who could help in everyday life, made to last and collect memories, in an environment where each person is not just a “client”, but a special and unique person, were sustained by those who share my vision, but not my manual skills.

Only… the path turned out to be a little more complex than I imagined.
My my good intentions and wishes didn’t match the finished product. Although all the clients were satisfied with their Nuvoles, in my opinion the final product was too “rustic”. So I started studying leather goods production and, at the same time, I started to looking for a sewing professional.

It took years to expand my knowledge, understand that sewing was definitely not my thing and find the perfect person, but today I can say that Nuvoles has reached the level I wanted to offer.

At that moment, the fear that… no one would like my creations, or that they weren’t good enough, stopped me, but then I remembered a Garfield’s bookmark of my mother that said: “No guts, no glory!”. I knew that I could help people to be creative and express themselves, makink with me, their unique, durable and useful accessories.

Nonetheless… I launched the first products and the response was pure love and enthusiasm from everyone who saw them. Until today, Nuvoles has never stopped growing, overcoming all my fears and surpassing all my best expectations.

The best part?
All my fantastic clients, the Nuvolets, who were, and continue to be, a constant and endless source of inspiration, joys and very often, of affection 💖.